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Wienerstick on Dragons Den

Written Friday, April 22nd, 2011. Posted in Exciting News | Comments Off on Wienerstick on Dragons Den

We’re on our way to meet the Dragons. wish us luck . Thanks to all those who are supporting us. Dragon’s Den is a show on CBC.

Gift Ideas – Why Not Give the WienerStick?

Written Tuesday, April 24th, 2007. Posted in Gift Ideas | Comments Off on Gift Ideas – Why Not Give the WienerStick?

Well! It’s almost that time again, SPRING is sprung and its almost Summer, time to haul out the old bbq. and try out the WIENER STICK, You’ll LOVE it, give it a try, and you’ll wonder how you ever barbecued without it.

If you got to this page from a search engine or somewhere other than our site, you may not know what a WienerStick is! Feel free to click here to find out more about this barbecue accessory, and how you might use it We also have a slideshow of WienerStick action shots, which you may want to check out.

At parties, this gift idea makes it so easy to add that extra selection of food when some members of the group just don’t want “the regular”. And you can experiement with it. Try cooking something other that hotdogs or smokies on it and tell us about the results! We have quite a few recipes here online already, which you might like to try.

So stop searching for that elusive cooking device or gift idea, and order a WienerStick today.

The WienerStick Featured In The Abbotsford News!

Written Monday, July 24th, 2006. Posted in Exciting News | Comments Off on The WienerStick Featured In The Abbotsford News!

We were recently featured in our local newspaper, the Abbotsford News. This is what they said:

Roll-away weiner motive for handy cooking product
by Joe Millican
courtesy Abbotsford News

IT STARTED with a barbecue and a rolling wiener that made it into the mouth of his cat rather than his own.

Now, four years later, Abbotsford’s Reg Wall is ready to go global with the invention that was inspired by his culinary mishap.

Wall is the inventor of the WienerStick, a device that skewers wieners and other food and cooks it in an upright position on a barbecue, camp fire or in an oven.

The idea is simple enough. The thin stainless steel tines heat up and cook your chosen meal or snack from the inside out.

There’s no burning, Wall said, and the device eliminates any chance of food rolling from the grill pan.

The WienerStick is Wall’s first invention, and while he does not yet know whether it will be his last, he is convinced he is onto a winner.

“We know it’s going to go global because it is the only invention of its kind in the world,” Wall said.

“You have got to start small and then you get going. You do not get rich quick, I have spent the last four years on this.”

Wall said the idea was a direct result of his wiener mishap that privided a meal for his moggie.

He knew there must be a simpler way, and so he examined cooking wieners and various other foods vertically rather than horizontally.

He created a WienerStick prototype and had his invention patented by Patent and Trademark Limited in the US. That agency gave him nine marks out of 10 and declared it a “very good idea,” Wall said.

From the prototype, which is now mounted inside his house, Wall put his vision into production. It is now being sold in a number of different stores throughout the province.

Wall said one of the benefits of the WienerStick is that the food that cooks on it does not have to be turned continuously.

He also said that because it heats from the inside, there is a guarentee it is cooked all the way through.

Wall believes the only similar invention to his Wienerstick is a device that cooks wieners but has a wooden handle.

But he dismisses that contraption.

“With mine, you are not turning the hot dogs over all the time and it lasts a lifetime,” he said.

Currently the WienerSticks are made in China but Wall wants to strike a deal that would have them produced in BC.

In the mean time, however, it will be a case of getting the message out there.

“I’ve been pounding the streets for two months and I’ll keep doing that,” Wall added.

Further information on the WienerStick is available from Wall’s website at


Written Wednesday, May 11th, 2005. Posted in Exciting News | Comments Off on Introduction

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